Treating Abdominal Pain In Children

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Many children tend to complain about feeling pain in their stomach, and it’s one of the main reasons that parents take them to the doctor or the emergency room. Stomach pain is something that can be a little hard to diagnose. At first, the doctor will ask you questions, then come up with a diagnosis. However, a problem may be obvious and no testing may actually be needed.

Many children tend to complain about feeling pain in their stomach, and it's one of the main reasons that parents take them to the doctor or the emergency room.
Many children tend to complain about feeling pain in their stomach, and it’s one of the main reasons that parents take them to the doctor or the emergency room.

Children who suffer from stomach pain tend to recover in hours or days without requiring any kind of treatment and, furthermore, no real cause can even be found. Alternatively, the cause of the issue can become more obvious as time goes on and treatment can begin. If the pain continues, contact your doctor immediately.


There are many issues that can cause children to suffer from abdominal pain, which include the following:

*Bowel problems
*Food-related issues
*Issues outside of the abdomen
*Surgical issues
*Period pain
*Repeated stomach pain attacks


The appendix is a small tube that has a dead end which leads from a part of the bowel. This is an issue that can be one of the more common reasons that your child may need surgery because if the appendix gets blocked, it can cause an infection. While appendicitis can happen in any age, it is extremely rare in younger children. Typically, the pain starts in the middle of the stomach and moves down low on the right side, with the stomach becoming sore to the touch. Furthermore, it can become even worse with both walking around and coughing. Symptoms of this can include the following:

*Unable to eat

Caring for a Child with Abdominal Pain

Helping to ease pain in a child suffering from this issue can involve following these simple tips:

*Have your child get plenty of rest
*Drink plenty of fluids
*Never push them to eat, especially if they aren’t feeling well
*Offer them crackers, bananas, rice, or toast if they do feel hungry
*Keep their stomach warm by placing a hot water bottle or wheat bag on it, or even running a bath for them, being careful not to scald them
*Give them paracetamol if they are still in pain, keeping in mind that doses for children are different than doses for adults.

What to Remember

*Children who suffer from this issue often recover in hours or days without requiring any treatment, and sometimes, no real cause can be found
*If any issues continue, contact your child’s doctor
*One of the most common reasons regarding stomach pain that your child may need to have surgery is appendicitis


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