Does Advanced Child Care Training Cover CPR?

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Infant CPR as taught in CPR Training classes
Infant CPR as taught in CPR Training classes

Advanced child care training is a form of training that equips individuals with the knowledge that they need to offer the best care for infants and children who are below 10 years of age. Due to this, the course is ideal for individuals who spend most of their time with children, and is therefore targeted at baby sitters, nannies, caregivers, teachers in kindergarten as well as parents and guardians. In many of the training centers available, individuals who are above 16 years old and fit into any of the aforementioned categories are in a capacity to go through the training.

For a number of them, advanced child care training may be a requirement for the job, and for others, it may simply be for the purpose of staying informed. Take note however, that such training centers that offer this form of training do not act as providers of licensed child caregivers, and only offers training with regards to first aid and CPR. Due to the rapid changes in the market, it is not unusual to find individuals below the age of 16 who are interested in learning this form of care. There are specific training classes for such individuals as well, so be sure to ask at the training centre.

What are some of the topics that are covered by advanced child care training? Does this form of training offer relevant training in CPR techniques? These are pertinent questions that anyone looking to train in advanced child care must question prior to the sessions. Typically, the training is carried out in two ways: there is the theoretical aspect of it where students are taught in a classroom, then there is the online bit where simulation is used to enhance understanding. With simulation learning, this is where technology meets intelligence since the trainees get to learn in a virtual world with simulations of real life scenarios. This is a more engaging forum, and for obvious reason. That said, listed below are some of the topics that are covered extensively during advanced child care training:

–          First aid techniques for a wide array of injuries. The most prominent of these has to be choking, a relatively common cause of death in infants.

–          CPR training in both infants and children (different techniques are required for this)

–          Ability to provide elemental care for the infants and the children to ensure their safety.

–          How to cope with emergencies.

–          When to call 911 and how to describe the emergency situation at hand.

–          Ability to choose activities that the children can indulge in depending on the child’s age.


If you are interested in CPR techniques, and get to spend a lot of your time with kids, then the advanced child care training is just the ideal package for you. It not only ensures you are well versed with CPR, but also with other integral first aid procedures. These increases the survival rates of the children under your care should anything happen to them.

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