What is Abdominal Pain

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When looking at why people go to the emergency room, in 5% of the cases, this is due to the pain that they may have in their abdomen. The reason being is that this can signify that there is a huge issue present.

Abdominal Pain Types

When looking at why people go to the emergency room, in 5% of the cases, this is due to the pain that they may have in their abdomen. The reason being is that this can signify that there is a huge issue present.
When looking at why people go to the emergency room, in 5% of the cases, this is due to the pain that they may have in their abdomen. The reason being is that this can signify that there is a huge issue present.

There are several types of pain for those who suffer from abdominal pain:

  • Acute pain that is the result of an existing condition such as an ulcer or acute pancreatitis
  • Acute pain in a normal person could signal gastritis, biliary colic, appendicitis or something similar
  • Acute pain following an injury can mean a rupture of the liver or other internal issues

Examining and Diagnosing

The cause of the pain is going to depend upon the examination and diagnosis. In most cases, a doctor is going to ask about:

  • The degree of pain from 1 to 10
  • Look at changes in vital signs such as blood pressure, heart rate, respiratory rate and the like
  • History of illness
  • Location of the pain
  • When the pain began and what the person was doing when this happened
  • If the pain is radiating through the body
  • Presence of other symptoms such as diarrhoea, vomiting, dizziness or the like

Managing Abdominal Pain

When a person has pain, this can be managed with pain medication in most cases. Fluids are often given to those with intense abdominal pain since most people are dehydrated. In addition, for those who an infection that is causing this pain, they are often given antibiotics. For those with issues that are life threatening such as gall bladder stones, they often go through emergency surgery. The way that this pain is managed is going to greatly depend on what is causing the pain in the first place.

Abdominal Spasms with Swelling

Abdominal pains with swelling are often triggered by wind that is trapped. This is a common issue that can be awkward but is simply managed. Your pharmacist will be able to suggest a medication which can be used to cure the issue.

Unexpected Stomach Pains with Diarrhoea

If your abdominal cramps have started with diarrhoea included, the cause might be a tummy infection (known as gastroenteritis). This means you have a biochemical or bacteriological infection of the abdominal and bowel, which should improve without medication after a few days.

Gastroenteritis might be triggered by being with someone who’s ill, or by consuming unclean food (known as food poisoning).

If you have recurrent attacks of stomach spasms and diarrhoea, you might have a long-standing disorder.

Related Video On Abdominal Pain

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