Using Canadian CPR and First Aid to Lower Workplace Fatality

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Because of the fact that Canada is considered as one of the most advanced countries when it comes to healthcare provisions and workplace safety, many people think that workplace fatality is not common in the country. However, research shows that Canada is actually not far behind when it comes to the list of countries with the most number of workplace-related deaths. This is why employers should highly consider paying for Canadian CPR and first aid courses so that they have a roster of employees who can respond during emergency situations and prevent workplace fatality. Here are some of the statistics which illustrate how common workplace-related deaths actually are in Canada.

Canada’s ranking among countries with the most number of workplace fatalities

According to the research that was conducted by the International Labor Organization back in 2003, Canada used to rank fifth place alongside Korea, Turkey, Mexico and Portugal, all of which took the top four spots. Even though the country is only fifth in the list, this is a cause for concern since Canada is considered to be more advanced in terms of healthcare provisions, technology and other aspects than the aforementioned countries.

First Aid Training Course
First Aid Training Course

Canada’s workplace death ratio

In the same study, it was also determined that six out of 100,000 workers almost every day. This is just a few figures away from Portugal who had a workplace death ratio of almost nine out of 100,000 workers. Considering that Portugal is not at the same level of economic stability as Canada, these numbers are devastating since it shows that Canada faces worse workplace dilemmas than these countries and are unable to solve them. This is why it is important for employers to take it upon themselves to ensure that their employees have the proper training for medical emergencies.

Through Canadian CPR training, employees will learn how to use defibrillators such as AED which can increase the survivability of an employee who had just suffered from a stroke. Rescuers will also learn how to administer medications for patients who have a cardiovascular disease. This is very important since deadly cardiovascular conditions require immediate care which can be difficult especially if the workplace is far from healthcare facilities such as hospitals. First aid training will also teach employees how to deal with workplace-related injuries which can be incurred at any given time even if the employees are well-trained in safety or in using heavy equipment.

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