How Your Smartphone Can Help You Help Someone

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smartphone can helpSmartphones are the latest trendy gadgets to hit the market. But did you know that your smartphone can actually help you provide first aidand save lives?

Although a lot of people know basic first aid, probably from school orwork, not everyone has the time to spare to refresh and re-train their first aid skills. As with any skill, these life-saving skills require constant practice and training to stay on top of things. This is the reason why refresher and re-training courses are offered by St Mark James and its accredited training partners year-round.

It is highly recommended that you take a refresher course at least once a year. However, even if you do not have the time to attend this course, you can have a guide through your smartphone. There are a number of good applications about first aid that can be installed on your smartphone.

The American St Mark James has released First Aid app for Google Android devices. This application can help you during emergency situations where others depend on you making prompt and proper decisions. The application serves multiple purposes. You can use it to learn, re-learn or update first aid knowledge and skills. It also has a step-by-step guide on what to do in case of common first aid situations. The First Aid app also includes information on how to prepare for emergencies. Finally, it challenges your knowledge of first aid through its quiz.

In this useful application, you can browse through different emergency situations that range from bleeding to fractures to heart attacks to choking to distress. You can choose which emergency situation you want to learn. Learning modules are presented in both text and video format so you can really see how first aid should be done. The app lists the step-by-step process in order for you to know exactly what to do.

The application also contains information and guides about what to do in case of natural disasters such as hurricanes, tsunamis or earthquakes, as well as other emergency situations such as explosions, power outages or fires. It includes checklist of things to do before, during and after the emergency. You can also check the contents of your first aid kit using this app.

If you are in an emergency situation, you can access quick advice that offers the same procedures but in a brief and concise form. This provides you with the most succinct information that you need in providing emergency care. It often includes very short videos that will guide you through the first aid. With the rich features of this application, it is definitely a must-have.

But aside from the First Aid app, you can use your smartphone to activate emergency medical services. Even if you do not know the exact address, the operator can easily pinpoint your location by using your phone’s GPS device. The emergency team can be dispatched to your area right away.

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